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Healed by Dean Skinner

A modern-day thriller of the Book of Job. As one reader put it, Healed reads “as if it were written by both Steven King and M. Night Shyamalan.” This 45–60-minute read was recently on six of Amazon’s #1 Bestseller lists including:
#1 New Release One-Hour Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Short Reads
#1 One-Hour Literature & Fiction Short Reads
#1 Single Author Short Stories
#1 Horror Short Stories
#1 Paranormal Suspense
#1 Christian Suspense
Amazon reviewer: “You may have never heard of Dean Skinner but based on his work ‘Healed’ you should. This book is like a spicy sublime pepper…slow burn with some exquisite heat at the end…not for the faint of heart though.”