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Crossroads by Chandler McGrew


From Bestselling author, Chandler McGrew, a fantastic new tale about betrayal, suspense, horror, and the ultimate power of love.

Sheila Bright talks to the dead including the ghost of her mother who wants to move to California. Kira Graves produces money out of thin air and can transform people into monsters. The two of them, along with Shape Shifters, Pookas, Lost Boys and more all inhabit the Crossroads, where good and evil collide.When Kira’s family and everyone else in their carnival are murdered by unearthly creatures called Grigs, Kira and her constant companion, Jen, flee toward a half-mythical place of safety called Graves Island, but they fail to reach it when Kira is drawn through the looking glass into another world. The planet of the Creators is deteriorating from a land of dreamscapes into one of nightmares, and the only way to stop the Empty-Eyed Man from turning the entire universe into chaos is for Kira to destroy the tool he most desires. But what she must sacrifice to do so may be worth more to her than the prize.

Genre: Horror
Deal End Date: 2023-09-26