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COFFINWOOD by Aaron Beardsell


Horror lurks in lonely places. Deep beneath the mountains, the hive grows.

“A feast of cosmic horror, full of terrifying imagery.” Rachel Harrison, author of The Return and Such Sharp Teeth.

Hazel Birnam and her team are investigating occult anomalies in the dark forests of Western Australia. People are missing, dead bodies are piling up, and ancient monsters lurk in the woods. Can she can solve the mystery festering at the heart of Coffinwood?

But as her hometown slips into madness, Hazel may already be too late to stop the evil growing beneath the hills. Whatever is down there, it is hungry. A cult is rising to power on twisted promises, and if Hazel can’t defeat them, she knows that they will open the Gate.

Welcome to COFFINWOOD. Some are heroes. Some are monsters. All are prey.

Experience the downfall of Coffinwood through this spiderweb of interconnected horror tales. This experimental novel combines elements of epistolery storytelling, short stories, traditional novel components, and more. It hosts a collection of terrifying stories that blends genres together, including: cosmic, science fiction, folk, military, and body horror. The newly revised second edition includes three new stories and a host of improvements to the original tales. The result is the definitive version of Coffinwood, a masterpiece in cosmic horror.
Praise for Beardsell:
“I love it. This book grabbed me from the first pages and did not let go, so much so that I snuck out my phone whenever I could to read a few more pages.” Aiden Messer, author of A Little Collection of Fucked up Things.
“Each story is unique [and keeps] you immersed and curious for more… I was completely hooked. I absolutely loved the realistic autistic representation. I saw so much of myself in that character that I literally have never seen before in a book. It’s creepy and very well done. [Aaron’s] books have become a must buy for me.” Thallia, book reviewer from @Dreadfulbooks.
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers meets Hannibal Lecter…with the grit of The Evil Dead. You won’t want to miss out on this gem of a story… [COFFINWOOD is] weaved together like a doorway of depravity with genius storytelling” Erik Teson, author of Sacred Blood.
“COFFINWOOD is a unique collection of short stories that center around the strange town. Although the stories are interconnected, they each feel very different from one another, which keeps the book fresh and exciting—and terrifying.” Becks Scardaci, author of The Doll.
“Dead Station is packed with exquisite details and will drag you to the end kicking and screaming (like so many of its characters).” Cleophas Foy, author of The Universal Good Deal.
“Cosmic horror from a master…the result is a tight, well-written story that knows how to use the claustrophobia humanity will experience in their tin cans that shelter them…happens when your shelter becomes just as deadly as the frigid vacuum outside the walls? I eagerly look forward to more from this author.” Ala

Genre: Horror