Birth Of The

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Birth Of The Phoenix by Jessica Wayne

Birth Of The

She will change the world…if it doesn’t destroy her first.

Anastasia’s life just sucker punched her.

She’d finally had it all.

A home away from parents who never wanted her…

The love of the boy next door…

And then BAM. Right hook to the cheek.

After being ripped from her world and thrown into another, she’s forced to face truths that should have been impossible.

One: magic is very, very real.

Two: if she hopes to survive long enough to make it back to Dakota, she must learn to wield said magic against creatures that make monsters under the bed look like cuddle buddies.

And three? There’s a man hunting her…and he’s been after her since the day she was born.

Get your hands on this romantic fantasy with epic battles and a swoon-worthy friends-to-lovers romance today!

Please note: This series is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. This is the first book in a completed five-book series.

Genre: Horror
Deal End Date: 2023-05-28