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BETAKEN by Drema Ferrell


BETAKEN is a realistic thriller that harkens you back to the early fifties and straight into the heart of Appalachia. Here you will stumble into a place called Bald Eagle, an almost abandoned and strangely forgotten coal community. Allen and Estelle, married and deeply in love, have returned home to spend time with family and friends before he begins his senior year in college. After spending several days with Estelle’s parents, they drive up Holt Creek for an extended visit with Allen’s Aunt Nell who had lived in Bald Eagle during it’s heyday. Shortly after their arrival, they learn that a young woman has disappeared which has left the community puzzled and somewhat alarmed. What they do not know is that two mountains away two deaths have occurred, the funerals of which have been mysteriously conducted under the cover of darkness. Also, as a result of these deaths, a decision has been made that will have far reaching and devastating effects. Unfortunately, neither do they know that Aunt Nell’s simple desire to visit Bald Eagle to pick a bushel of apples will lead them into a series of events so terrifying as to defy the imagination. You will become embroiled with characters that you will love or hate, pity or despise…or not know how to feel about at all.

Genre: Horror
Deal End Date: 2023-11-13