31 Overlook Hotel

Free $0.99

31 Overlook Hotel by Hargrove Perth

31 Overlook Hotel

The Hotel is not what she seems…

She is a complicated structure, catering to the needs of each patron. Some of those needs, shall we say, are specialized. Step inside, enjoy the glorious beauty of the Hotel, and perhaps accept an exclusive invitation.

Dear Honored Guest,

Enclosed you will find an exclusive invitation to the 31 Overlook Hotel Masquerade Ball. Due to the nature of the ultimate outcome of the festivities, the hotel has requested the explicit details of the event, and what will culminate afterwards, will not be revealed until Midnight at the ball. We promise to delight and not disappoint.

Please understand that if you are holding this invitation then you are among a small group of selected, very important individuals for attendance.

We do not expect an RSVP. Please arrive with your invitation and present it at the front desk during check-in. If you have not spent time at our resort prior, please note that we do have tailored menus available for our guests with refined, specialized tastes. This can be addressed upon arrival.

As always, I am here to serve.


The Night Manager

A collaboration by:
JA Stone , J.C. Seal, L.L. Hunter , Charlotte Brice , Tina Morlock , Kyra Quinn , L.P. Dillon , Evi Star,
Leann Ryans , Louise Dawn, Luna Sela , Jessica Mandella , Karen Black, Darcee VanMullekom, T. A. Moorman , T.M. Haught , DL James , C J Bahr, Lorelai Watson, Scarlett Holloway , Sandra Daniels ,Paula Acton, Andreea Pryde , Lennie Grace , MJ Vieira, Ron Stelle, Ripley Archer, Stephen Goss, S.K. Yule, Kira Burn,s -with Hargrove Perth as the Night Manager.

Genre: Horror