“American Horror Story” is a popular horror anthology series that has been running since 2011, featuring a range of twisted, scary and often supernatural tales, with each season focusing on a different storyline and set of characters. With its gripping and sometimes disturbing storylines, the series has become a cult favorite among horror fans, who eagerly await each new season. If you’re wondering where you can watch “American Horror Story,” here are some options to consider.
“American Horror Story” is produced by FX, so it’s no surprise that the network is the first place to look if you want to watch the show. You can catch up on past seasons on FX’s website or app if you have a cable subscription. You can also watch the current season, as well as previous seasons, on FX on Hulu. Hulu is a popular streaming service that allows you to watch many TV shows and movies on demand. FX on Hulu includes access to all past and current seasons of “American Horror Story,” so it’s a great option if you want to watch the show from the beginning.
Another popular streaming service where you can watch “American Horror Story” is Netflix. The platform has all nine seasons of the show, which you can watch on demand. The advantage of using Netflix is that you don’t need a cable subscription to access the show. However, it’s worth noting that Netflix may not always have the most up-to-date seasons, so it’s a better option if you want to catch up on past seasons or re-watch the show.
If you have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can also watch “American Horror Story” on Amazon Prime Video. The service offers access to all nine seasons of the show, which you can stream on demand. Similar to Netflix, this is a good option if you want to catch up on past seasons, but it may not always have the most up-to-date episodes.
If you prefer to watch “American Horror Story” as it airs, or if you don’t have cable but want to watch the show in real-time, Hulu Live TV is a great option. Hulu Live TV is a streaming service that offers live access to over 60 channels, including FX. This means that you can watch “American Horror Story” as it airs, as well as all the previous seasons. However, this option does come with a monthly subscription fee.
Finally, if you don’t have cable or prefer not to use a streaming service, you can also watch “American Horror Story” using the FX Now app. The app allows you to watch the show on demand, but you’ll need a cable subscription to access it.
In conclusion, “American Horror Story” is available on a range of streaming services and platforms, making it easy to watch the show on demand or in real-time. Whether you prefer to use a streaming service like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu, or watch the show on the FX website or app, there’s an option to suit every viewer’s needs.